Business & Communication Summit

How to exceed expectations

By Jonathan Johnson, Executive Vice Chairman of since May 2013.

In Brother Johnsons forum, he explained that although we must all go through the ‘middle’ of life’s journey, we can still experience joy throughout that time in our lives. The middle can be frustrating; however, the Lord is walking along with us and his hand is over our lives. The Lord knows the end from the beginning, and He knows the importance of the middle. Throughout life, we may experience moments of rejection even when we are doing everything right. When we look back, we will understand that the Lord knew the end from the beginning and that He had his hand over us as we experienced the middle. The Lord does not explain the moments in our lives where we must work to finally achieve a career in detail, but He knows what is best for us.

There are seven pieces of advice that make the middle better and that will help one exceed expectations:

  1. Find your own advice. What has worked for others doesn’t always work for you. Be open to what others have to say; however, in the end, do what’s best for you.
  2. Read daily. Your vocabulary and knowledge will grow when you open a newspaper and read the current news. Reading newspapers will keep you updated in current news and reading books will enlighten the way you think. Always remember, if there is something you need to read, prepare and read ahead of time.
  3. Communicate clearly and succinctly. This takes effort and thinking. Physically writing out thoughts helps with organization and seeing if your thoughts are clear to communicate. Being succinct takes work so always remember to have clear opening statements.
  4. Take blame and give credit. Allow people the freedom to admit mistakes. It’s better to know of mistakes earlier rather than later. This will help people focus on how to fix problems. Also, don’t be afraid to make decisions. When you catch people doing a good job, acknowledge them. They will work harder. As well as always show your best work. Be prepared to make your mark.
  5. A fair deal is the best deal. A win/win deal is better and lasts longer than a win/lose deal.
  6. Make your boss’s life better. They need problem solvers and people who will get work done. You will succeed when you help them make their lives better. Look for ways to assume more responsibility, even if it’s tedious. Always look to do more!
  7. Make the “middle” great! Do not say, “When…..happens, then I’ll be happy.” This will put your happiness on hold. These may not be your earning years, but they are your learning years. Make this time great. Everyone has potential. Even in the middle, the Lord will have his hand over you.

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